Our Services

Public Funding AdviceFinding the right funding program with NRW.Europa


Who will help me find a suitable state, federal or EU program for my technology-oriented project and who will support me in submitting a promising application? Without the compass needle for their own funding idea, many applications run the risk of not meeting the requirements of the complex program content. We underline the
statement of many experts for applications in public funding programs: No application without consulting!

Our free initial consultation is special because it is open to all topics and programs, regardless of whether it is a state, federal or EU program, and is therefore competition-neutral. In addition to funding, it can also take into account questions of internationalization, transfer and innovation management.
and supports strategic consortium building.

"As an innovative, internationally oriented mechanical engineering company, we have been using the know-how of the NRW.Europa experts at ZENIT for a long time to acquire funding for innovative products, product innovations, research projects or demonstration plants."

Petra Bültmann-Steffin,
CEO Bültmann GmbH

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ZENIT GmbH / Enterprise Europe Network 
für Nordrhein-Westfalen NRW.Europe
Tim Schüürmann
Telefon: 0208 30004-28